Don't despise small beginnings

don't despise small beginnings, start the work.

Do you dream of starting something new in your life but you aren't sure of how to get from here to there? Or feel overwhelmed when you think of all of the steps you'll need to take to reach what you envision?

Achieving your dream doesn't have to be fast, furious, and big all at once, (in fact, I believe we could all benefit from slowing down a bit and enjoying the process).  You don't have to get from here to there tomorrow. You can start small and take the first modest and actionable steps toward reaching your dreams.

Start Small and Build Momentum:

Don't wait for the "perfect" moment. Instead, identify a small, achievable action you can take right now with your existing resources. This could be starting a research project, connecting with someone in your dream field, or creating a simple plan. Taking that first step builds momentum and keeps you motivated.

Embrace the "It Doesn't Have to Be Perfect" Mindset:

There will be bumps along the road. Your initial efforts might not be flawless, and that's okay. Focus on progress, not perfection. Learn from your mistakes, iterate, and keep moving forward.

Celebrate Every Step, no matter how small

Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Reaching a milestone, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is a victory. Reward yourself for your dedication and keep the fire burning bright.

Remember, the most important thing is to take that first step.

The first step is the one that will start you in the direction you are going. The first steps are the ones you can take right at this moment without fear or resistance getting in your way before you can complete them. 

Don't get me wrong, it's important to keep a bigger, clear picture somewhere in your mind of where you want to go so you can return to your intention when making decisions. But, by switching gears and focusing on the first, smaller steps, rather than overwhelming and discouraging yourself with the bigger end picture, you're able to kickstart the law of motion that will help align you to where you want your bigger purpose.


What are some small actionable steps you can take to get started on pursuing your dreams? Can you make a list of all the steps you think you need to take and focus on the easiest ones first? Remember you don’t have to do them all at once to start!

Are you interested in how a coach can help you gain clarity on your dreams and accountability on the first smaller action steps you can take toward aligning with your dreams? Reach out today to learn more.



Christina Shaw