My Favorite Bullet Journal Supplies for a Beginner (to any level!)

I get asked all the time for recommendations on helpful tools and supplies to get started with bullet journaling and I decided to create a reference all blog post. This post will share all of the helpful tools to help get your feet wet with the magic bullet journaling system, created by Ryder Carroll.

I’ve been avidly journaling since I was 12 years old but two years ago I discovered bullet journaling and since then it has helped me become a much more focused and deliberate creator. The Bullet Journal System: Part list maker, calendar, journal, planner, sketchbook, or combination of all or any of the above. Mix and match what you need to meet your needs. As you grow and evolve, so will your bullet journal.   Consider the core components of Ryder Carrol’s traditional Bullet Journal System, and ask yourself: Will this component help me? Take the pieces that resonate with you and build from there.

The bullet journal is your invitation to pause, declutter your mind on paper, reflect and reconnect to yourself and what truly matters to you. It’s a call to get off auto-pilot and answer the question, “WHY am I doing what I’m doing?” By becoming aware of your “why” you’re doing anything, it’s easier to let go of the meaningless and identify and focus on the meaningful, naturally becoming more intentional on how you spend your most valuable resources: your time & energy.

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To start, you’ll need a blank bullet journal of your choosing!

My favorite bullet journal is the Bullet Journal 2 Leuchtturm Medium A5 Dotted journal. It’s pages are a bit thicker than a regular Leuchtturm Bullet Journal so I personally use this version but it is a little more expensive. If you decide to start off with the original Leuchtturm 1917, I still find them awesome and a little more authentic feeling. I love they offer SO MANY COLORS! You can pick a color that matches your mood that month! The Leuchtturm 1927 bullet journals have a ghosting effect, which is why I think the version 2 of the official bullet journal is worth the extra dollars :)

I would get a small, clear 6-inch ruler (I always get a pack of 3 or 6 because over time you may lose or break one and some pencils: Arteza are by far my favorite!


My favorite pens to do spread outlines with are the Stabilo Sensor, but the Micron Variety pack is a great place to start so you can start to see what size pens you prefer. Also, consider purchasing a white out or white gel pen for those little mistakes you may make!


For highlighting and fun stuff these are some of my favorite markers, the Tombow dual brush- but be careful to not get too dark of colors or if you highlight over something you write, it will just go away. I recommend the pastels or neutral tones, or any lighter packs- landscape and portrait palette are my favorite ones.

These are also favorites of mine: Midliners 15 pack. They are double-sided and just so much fun to highlight and doodle with!

I’ve never tried the Primrosia but they look super fun!

Additional fun bullet journal supplies to make your heart sing!

Let’s get to the fun part: Decorating your journal and making it yours! I use these beautiful butterfly stickers to decorate pages sometimes. Any sort of washi tape to hold pages together if you want to keep something private or you make a mistake on a page and don't want to look at it. Look at these gorgeous constellation washi tape ones! I included some more fun supplies below- I love the snow mountain washi tape!

STorage ideas for bullet journal supplies

Okay, now that I have all these fun pens, stickers, washi tape and rulers, where do I store it!?

I personally use handmade pottery pencil/pen cups on my desk and the ProFolio by Itoya to sort my supplies. (I love the ProFolio for traveling because there are three separate compartments inside and I can keep my pens, markers and stickers/washi separate).

Here are some other ideas I think are fun for storing your supplies!:


Ryder Carroll is the creator of the original bullet journal system and I think he's a pretty cool guy! I don't use the official bullet journal system but his quick tutorial on the site is a great reference to start, and then build your own for fun from there! His book, The Bullet Journal Method is a great read too and I love bringing it to our bullet journal workshops we host!

Bullet journaling has been one of the most useful alignment tools I’ve used to focus my energy into the places I am desiring to be. Do you bullet journal? Are you curious about it? Are you curious about being a more deliberate creator? I offer a few fun resources for living and aligned and kind life: