What is Intuitive Decision Making

Intuitive Decision Making

What is Intuitive Decision Making AND HOW DO I USE IT

Intuitive decision-making is about consciously choosing to trust your own self for your decisions.

Intuitive decision-making is a process where you honor the truth that you are the creator of your life and that only YOU get to make decisions for yourself and what you truly prefer and desire in life, (and not what others think you should want or say you should do).

  • It’s a process that involves you checking in with your thoughts and feelings and using them to guide you along your own personalized joyful unfolding of life.

  • It puts you back in the driver's seat of creating a reality that feels good to you and honors your personalized preferences and desires.

  • It allows you to stop questioning the choices you make and instead lean into the powerful unfolding of trusting yourself fully.

  • Intuitive decision-making is never forced, hurried, or rushed.

  • It involves stepping into a deeper trust that you know you can't get it wrong, you won’t miss out, and there will always be another new moment to choose from again.

At the heart of it, Intuitive decision-making is a way of making decisions for yourself as if no one else exists in the world.

You'll ease up on resistant thoughts such as:

  • What will others say about this?

  • What will my parents think of me?

  • What about the advice my best friend gave me that I'm "going against?"

Intuitive Decision making helps you learn through real experience that no one knows what's best for you, except you.

Intuitive decision-making cuts out guilt and shame and gets to the heart of your intuitive knowledge, which is always guiding you on the path toward everything you -want.

How do I practice intuitive decision making?

You'll only need two things to get started with the practice of making intuitive decision making, but I also offer two additional items to help you focus yourself into your own truth.

  • yourself

  • awareness of your feelings

  • journal

  • pen

Here are my favorite journals and pens I use for this process.

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Before beginning the process of Intuitive Decision Making, I find its helpful to set an intention.

  • What is your intention behind wanting to make decisions from an intuitive place? 

  • What would it feel like to make all decisions from a place of knowing they were best for you?

  • What would it feel like to make decisions with clarity and ease?

  • What would if feel like to be the conscious and confident creator of your own life?

Write about it in your journal.

In the next few blog posts, we'll use guided prompts to help you reflect on your intuitive guidance system and uncover some of the sensations/feelings it was offering you when you were listening to your truth and when you weren't listening to your truth.

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