8 unconventional ways to grow your business

8 unconventional ways to grow your business

I knew early on in my business that the traditional “work hard and hustle” mentality would not work for me to grow my business. These traits did not fit my personality nor preferences and I needed to find unconventional ways that would work for me

Over time, I found one of the easiest ways to grow my business was to be true to myself and use strategies that felt natural, fun, and easy for me to do!Every business is unique because the owner's personal preferences, goals, and values shape the decisions and direction of growth. When searching for fresh strategies to grow your business, it's easy to come across conventional advice like networking, marketing, and hard work. However, these methods may not be effective unless they align with your personal values and preferences of what you enjoy doing.

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to growing a business, and what works for one business may not work for another. But if you're looking for new ways to grow your business, you may want to consider trying some unconventional strategies. In this blog post, I’ll share 8 unconventional ways that I used to grow my business with an explanation of how each one worked for me.

Take Time Off

It might seem counterintuitive to growing a business, but in truth, taking time off can help revive your business in so many ways.

First, taking time off helps you invest in and recharge your most valuable asset: YOU!

Taking time off from work to recharge and fill your own cup is essential when you are growing a business I use to only take vacations if it had something to do specifically with growing our business, (attending a conference, setting up sessions in the city’s we were visiting, meeting other creatives in our industry while traveling, etc).

While it felt nice to write off a portion of the “vacation”, it didn’t leave me feeling like I actually had taken a break.

Once we started taking time off separate from work related activities, I experienced the difference between the two. I come home with new energy and inspiration from different experiences. When I sit down to work after taking real time off, ideas and inspiration would seem to flow in with much more ease.

Secondly, taking time off helps your brain perform better

Taking time off and relaxing from the normal day to day business stuff helps re-wire the normal wiring you’re use to running every day. Infact, new experiences can create new neural networks! This is a process known as neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to change and adapt in response to experience.

When you have a new experience, your brain creates new connections between neurons which allow your brain to process information and perform tasks more efficiently. From this new place, you can brainstorm ideas, solve problems, and even interact with the day to day in a new way because you your mind is actually running different patterns!

examples of new experiences that create new neural pathways

  • Traveling to a new place (Once a week travel somewhere new that’s close to where you live/work, but not associated with work!)

  • Meeting new people (Join a group or try an activity thats not associated with your work and meet new friends!)

  • Trying new foods (during your lunch break, yes LUNCH BREAK, try a new restaurant).

  • Taking on a new challenge like learning a new skill, or lanugage, or a small wellness challenge (set a challenge for yourself like meditating daily, walking daily, etc)

  • Engaging in creative activities (take time off each day to paint, draw, write, dance, etc)

Set boundaries and say no

most importantly, saying no to things allows you to say yes to what matters to you.

Time and energy are a business owner’s most crucial resources. When you say no to things that don’t resonate with you, you free up these resources to be used to focus on things that do matter to you. When you are focused on things that matter to you, it’s easier to be productive and stay inspired as you work which also helpful in growing your business.

Also, setting boundaries and saying no helps Avoid burnout.

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress. If you’re constantly saying yes to everyone and everything, you can loose a sense of control in your life and business. Instead, learn to pause with an invitiation and say, “I’ll get back to you”

Responding to all inquiries in a timely matter

Responding timely indicates to people that your professional, open, and ready for business

Even if you can’t take the job because you’re booked or it’s not a fit for what you offer, do your best to point them in the direction to a few industry peers that may be a fit for what they are looking for.

This helps create a feeling of “enoughness’ in your industry and also creates a circular flowing energy of inquiries. I can’t tell you how many people we’ve referred to industry peers that has circled back to us when they are booked or not a fit for the work they are receiving.

It also communicates, “You are worthy or a response” to your potential inquiries.

It also has shown up as an email from an inquiry years later saying, “You weren’t available for my wedding, but now we have a family we’d like you to photograph!” Because we were timely with our inquiries even when it was a no, they felt connected to us to reach out years later!

focus on appreciation

Appreciation is perhaps the easiest way to grow your business. But you have to truly feel it in your day to day and live from that place.

One way to foster appreciation is to touch on clients and vendors you’ve worked with in the past and focus on the things that you enjoyed and appreciated about them. I would write lists of my favorite clients and list out the reasons why. I would spend time discussing the things I appreciate with my husband, (who is my photography business partner)

Not only that, I’d send notes of appreciation after each wedding. Sometimes it would be an e-mail but when we use to mail the flash drives, I would include a handwritten letter that expressed the things I enjoyed about working with them.

When you’re in a state of appreciation, you are in a state of alignment and that will always attract more clients to you with ease.

declutter and make space

A cluttered work space and inbox can create a feeling of “too busy” and “overwhelmed” inside yourself.

Abundance is often associated with the feeling of freedom and if you’re in-box and work space is leaving you feeling “restricted” or “overwhelmed”, it might be time to organize it!

By taking the time to clear out an inbox or organize a work space, you are creating an environment that you can naturally walk into and “feel good in.”

Feeling good is the key to alignment and being in alignment with yourself is always the easiest way to grow your business in the direction you’d like to!

Are there other things leaving you feeling overwhelmed and less than free? You can declutter your calendar (saying no/setting boundaries was an above tip, but if you think about it as “decluttering your calendar” and freeing up space that also works!

Spending time doing things unrelated to your business that also light you up is similar to taking time off, but in a way, it’s something you can do EVERY DAY.

I spend time every day doing a bunch of the things I love for the sake of doing things I love because it keeps me feeling GOOD and in alignment. Here are some examples of little things that light me up:

  • being present with my kids

  • wiping down the counters after the kids leave so the kitchen fee (it lights me up!)

  • reading a book or watching my favorite tv (it lights me up!)

  • cooking myself a warm breakfast/lunch (it lights me up!)

  • drinking a cup of coffee in the morning (it lights me up!)

  • working out/taking a walk (it lights me up!)

  • talking with a friend (it lights me up!)

  • bullet journaling (it lights me up!)

    It’s really the simple things you do throughout your day, unrelated to growing your business, but that feel good to do, that keep you in alignment. Feeling good throughout your day by honoring your natural likes is one of the pureset ways to stay in alignment and the clients you’re seeking will naturally find you, (in sometimes magical ways), because you are SO LIT UP from being YOU!!!

Perhaps my most important unconventional tip to growing your business is to listen to and apply advice that resonates as true to you. BUT, don’t get discouraged when you try other peoples’ advice that just isn’t a fit for you. Remember that the journey IS the point. Trying things and figuring out what works and doesn’t work is part of the process. However, the process is much more fun when you’re trying things that are true for you, (and that feel good to you!)

When you listen to and apply only the advice that feels true and good to you, you are following a lit path towards everything you want. When you try something that just doesn’t feel good to try or doesn’t resonate with you or your values, you are going to feel a struggle or resistance. That is a sign from yourself that this advice is just not for you.

It’s essential to be mindful of your likes and dislikes while growing your business and find ways to support yourself in your own growth. For instance, if you don’t enjoy networking events and spending lots of time on social media commenting on others' accounts, you can try connecting more intimately with past vendors you enjoyed working with or leaning into a natural word-of-mouth referral from past clients who enjoyed your process or offering.

It will be no surprise that one of my tips is to only listen to and use tips and advice that feel good to you! That is part of the art of alignment. Learning to listen to yourself above all and honor what feels good to you! Afterall, YOU are the expert of you.

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