Already Abundant: 7 Ways To Connect with Feeling Abundant

Did you know, you are already abundant?

Remembering and connecting back to our already abundant nature is the way to flow more abundance into our experience now. Social conditioning may want to teach us in order to be abundant we have to DO and HAVE a lot of things. But this is not true. In order to be abundant, we simply need to feel in our nature and know it.

Being and feeling abundant first, (your true nature), allows you to act in abundant ways and therefore receive in abundant ways. But how does one BE and FEEL abundant now (especially when we don’t have a lot of things and don’t know what to do to get them?)

Here are some simple ways to access the feeling of your already abundant nature:

1) Declutter and/or clean your immediate space: Abundant people surround themselves with things they love and can easily let go of things they don’t (because they know their true nature of being able to receive more) Cleaning and decluttering your space allows you to highlight the things that are already abundant in your life. If you’re only seeing things that you love and appreciate, you’ll be reflecting that feeling a lot more outward rather than seeing things you “wish were better.”

2) Allow yourself to purchase items for your space that will be seen every day that you love to look at and or use. I don’t recommend un-aligned spending, but I do highly encourage purchasing something that resonates with feelings of abundance inside you. When I started practicing flowing my unlimited abundance outward, I focused first on my bedroom since that is the room I spend the most time in. I purchased a comfortable sheet set, luxury pillows, and items in my room that reflected back my abundant nature: framed prints of my family, a fig tree that is sprouting tall, essential oils that I love to use, a sound machine to sleep well, and dream catchers that remind me that all my dreams are being held.

3) Do something generous for someone else with no strings attached: This can be as simple as writing a friend a letter of appreciation, dropping off homemade cookies to a friend, offering to sit someone’s kids for them while they go out on a date night, taking over one of your partners’ household chores, buying a friend a coffee, setting up an occurring donation to an organization you really admire, etc. Give in any way that is comfortable, but do it with a focus on the appreciation you feel for that person, (not for expecting any results).

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4) Book yourself or carve out the time for a self-care ritual or item you’ve been avoiding that feels luxurious to do: haircut, nails, massage, nap, quiet time, meditation time, time to move your body, dance class, pottery class, etc

5) Take a day off of work, turn your phone on silent and spend your time doing something you love FULLY. Maybe that means movie marathon day, or baking something with your kids, or gardening, reading a book you’ve been desiring, going to a coffee shop and sitting with a friend, etc. Create a dream day off and do it!

6) Make a list of all of the things you appreciate in your life right now and include why.

7) Create your own abundant feeling: Write out what rich, wealthy, and unlimited abundance mean to you. What does that life look and feel like to have? Decide on one abundant action item that fits in with your version of wealth you can do this week and do it!


I created a course that helps you soothe your thoughts into alignment.

As always, trust yourself and your feelings as guidance back to your truth. You already have everything you need!


I believe the most important relationship to nurture is the one you have with yourself. If you found yourself here, it’s likely you do too. Aligned + Kind was created as a place to support you in continuously using your powerful intuitive guidance system to create the life you desire. You’ll transition away from the things you think you have to do, to deliberately choosing and creating the things you deeply desire to do, the things that brighten our world. My coaching packages are designed to help you align with your truest desires. If you're interested in learning more, book a call below to learn more about coaching with me.

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