Contrast is Where Clarity and Growth Come From

This weekend we celebrated 11 years of co-creating together as a married couple.

Our friends asked us what year was our favorite for us and we both agreed that every year continues to get better and better. We have worked together, at home, running a business together, for almost the full 11 years of our marriage, so to say we experience “some” contrast in our relationship is an understatement. We are constantly bumping into each other (literally at photoshoots, in the office, in the kitchen, through doorways of our house, etc...).

Understanding there is clarity and growth from all contrast is so helpful to us syncing back up into alignment within our relationship. The rubbing up against each other in contrast creates a choice: smooth it out and alignment, OR keep resisting and sparking in the tension.


Smoothing it out sometimes is as simple as one of us leaving the room, taking a breath and/or time alone, and/or changing the subject. Taking a break from the conversation/contrast of what isn’t working gives us both room to find awareness and clarity in ourselves: What is it we really want here? Coming back together when we’re both ready to focus/talk about the clarification in what we DO want to create is where we line up with the expansion and growth that happened. When we experience contrast and know what isn’t working, it’s an invitation to focus with greater clarity on what it is we do want to work better.
What is contrast clarifying for you today? Where are you being called to grow? What is it you DO want?


As always, trust yourself and your feelings as guidance back to your truth. You already have everything you need!

I believe the most important relationship to nurture is the one you have with yourself. If you found yourself here, it’s likely you do too.

Aligned + Kind was created as a place to support you in continuously using your powerful intuitive guidance system to create the life you desire. You’ll transition away from the things you think you have to do, to deliberately choosing and creating the things you deeply desire to do, the things that brighten our world.My coaching packages are designed to help you align with your truest desires. If you're interested in learning more, book a call below to learn more about coaching with me.

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