Don’t Believe Everything You Think : Your Mind is a Tool

Your mind is a powerful tool to use in your journey of alignment, but it is not who you are, and often, what you are habitually thinking is not even true.

Thoughts and beliefs are often gifted or handed down to us early on in our lives from our communities, parents, schools, friends, media, etc. As we get older and find ourselves making decisions and taking action from others’ ways of thinking, we can start to feel out of alignment and that something isn’t right in our lives. We’ve followed everything we’ve told was right, but somehow, something feels off inside.

The off feeling often begins as a nudging but overtime it can turn to a nagging and even cause a feeling of chaos on the inside of us.

Bringing awareness into the space of your mind and asking : “Is what I’m thinking and believing true for me?” can help uncover habitual ways of thinking that are out of alignment with your authentic self. If you’d like to learn more on how to bring awareness to your thoughts, one of my favorite books on investigating the truth of our thoughts is Byron Katies : Loving What Is.

Another way to bring awareness to your thoughts journaling. Journaling can help us connect us become a witness to all of the “thoughts” going through our heads by getting them on paper so that we can begin to catch patterns and begin to notice what thoughts are keeping us in the feeling of chaos. When we catch thoughts that are creating feelings inside that don’t feel good, we can begin to investigate them- is there another way to think about this? Is this true for me or something I was told was true and I blindly accepted it? What would feel better to think? What would my life be like if I didn’t have this thought? And so on…

The real magic begins when you deliberately begin to nurture and choose thoughts that feel good to think! This is called deliberate thinking. It doesn’t mean those old thoughts don’t pop up or repeat themselves any more, but when they do there is a non-attachment to them- they become a bit laughable and easy to let go of. You may even catch yourself acknowledging inside, “that thought isn’t true for me.”


Have you experienced the magic of deliberate thinking? Are you interested in learning more about the process? I offer 1:1 coaching for those that want up close and personal guidance but I also created a course that helps you become more deliberate in your thoughts. It’s called journaling into alignment and it teaches the basic principles of Alignment as well as a soothing thought process of guiding your thoughts through journaling.


As always, trust yourself and your feelings as guidance back to your truth. You already have everything you need!

I believe the most important relationship to nurture is the one you have with yourself. If you found yourself here, it’s likely you do too.

Aligned + Kind was created as a place to support you in continuously using your powerful intuitive guidance system to create the life you desire. You’ll transition away from the things you think you have to do, to deliberately choosing and creating the things you deeply desire to do, the things that brighten our world.My coaching packages are designed to help you align with your truest desires. If you're interested in learning more, book a call below to learn more about coaching with me.

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