What is Alignment and Why is it Important?

Living a life you enjoy is about continuously choosing alignment with YOUR truth over anything or anyone else. It can be scary when you first start living this way, but I promise: the more you commit to living from your authentic self, the easier and better it gets. Life is supposed to be good. In fact, once you get steady in your alignment,  it becomes near impossible to live any other way.

 Alignment is when the connection between you and YOUR inner/deeper knowing is open and flowing, resistance-free. When you’re in alignment, you are connected to truth, integrity, and intuitive guidance. This inner connection between you and YOU is very powerful because when it is fully connected you have access to all of the answers you could ever need.

When you're in alignment you feel steady. You feel at ease. You feel confident. You feel love. You feel appreciation. You feel freedom. Alignment feels good. 

It’s important to remember, you are always connected to YOU. How you nurture your relationship with yourself is the important part.


Even though you are always connected to YOU, there are ways that you may be disallowing yourself from experiencing the well-being of an open & free flow of alignment.

Resistance and blocks to your alignment are formed when you oppose your essential nature by believing thoughts that are out of sync with who you really are. These are called limiting thoughts because they do just that: They limit your access to YOU and the free-flowing well-being that comes from alignment. The more you repeat out-of-alignment thoughts, the more they may settle in as deep beliefs, as false truths and a narrative you start to live out from. When you live out of alignment, believing false truths for yourself, life feels more complicated and emotions feel heavier.

There is a reason for this.


When you oppose your own inner, knowing self with limiting thoughts and beliefs, you pinch yourself off from an open flow of truth, integrity, and guidance. In doing so, you don’t feel like yourself because you're literally cutting yourself off from YOU!   When you are blocking the open flow of your alignment, you will know immediately because you feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

Your feelings are your internal and intuitive guidance system for if you are in alignment with yourself (and feeling good) OR resisting/blocking your alignment flow (and feeling uneasy, uncomfortable, less than good).

When you experience steadiness in your alignment you experience the pleasure and joy of doing so. This does not mean blocks or resistance never happen. Steady alignment means choosing self-awareness and using feelings as guideposts to lead you back to yourself and your knowledge.w more paragraphs of text here.

Coaching can help you begin to create your life on purpose starting now. The best part is, you can start exactly where you are and with what you already have.  If you've ever had an interest in how coaching can help you deliberately create a life that is authentically you, schedule a complimentary call to learn more about the process.

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